How to Make a Change that STICKS

Hemad’s article touches on one of many steps that can help you stay motivated on your journey to fitness: find your personal motivation! Start asking yourself the hard questions until you find THE reason/s that will get you off the couch and onto the playing field. As he puts it so simply, “Change starts with why.”

Hemad Fadaifar


A New Year, a new slate, a new you. Sound familiar?

It’s that time of year again where the motivation is high and the Dopamine is flowing. Let me start out by saying, if you use the word “resolution” – you may be one of those people who don’t stick to them. Regardless, gyms will fill up then become ghost towns, books will get purchased and forgotten about, and healthy foods will collect mold in the fridge. Don’t become a statistic this year; maybe this will help.

How to Make a CHANGE that STICKS:

Change has to pass 1 of 2 tests for it to happen; your intellectual inflection point (your mind), or your emotional inflection point (your heart). If your goal, change, or “resolution” sounds like a good idea, your mind says “YES” and sparks a burst of motivation and you’re off to the races. Days, weeks, or months…

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